HLCA is valuable in specific domains into the lifecycle of Healthcare IT Connectivity. Firstly we are strong in the conceptual part that takes place before development of connectivity software. Secondly HLCA sees itself as valuable in the onsite hospital implementation of Healthcare IT systems.
In both areas our customers will benefit from our experience in dealing with big projects in the Healthcare IT domain.
In both areas our customers will benefit from our experience in dealing with big projects in the Healthcare IT domain.
Conceptual Design
Healthcare IT Integrations are complex by nature, and need a solid design to remain sustainable once in production.
We deliver in-depth analysis of Healthcare Connectivity projects and help designing the right flows to fulfil the needs of the workflow, from there we make integration specifications.
These specifications can be the functional and technical specifications of an interface, as well as requirements specification serving as input for development.
In this activity we focus mainly on software vendor companies needing assistance in the concept and specification of Healthcare IT interfaces.
HLCA has expertise in supporting the best possible workflow by proposing the right technical flows of patient & medical data, making the workflow visible via comprehensible UML diagrams and translating it to specifications level, ready for development of new software or the implementation of new interfaces to be integrated with the already existing network.

HL7 Specification

Definition of software architecture & rollout strategy

Workflow driven use cases

Medical data migrations
MIRTH Support
Mirth is an open source Integration Engine used more and more within Europe. HLCA does the complete integration of your Mirth solutions. We help with the design of the workflow, we develop tailor made channels to optimize specific workflows and we do the actual implementation & testing of the solution. We optimize the many possibilities of the standard solution, alerts management, production follow up, message tracing. We also provide training to a local team enabling the IT department to handle the long-term maintenance of the solution.
Onsite implementation of connectivity solutions in hospitals
Theory is one thing, getting things done makes a difference.
We provide consulting & project management services for the onsite qualification and production implementation of Healthcare IT Interfaces and data migrations.
We provide consulting & project management services for the onsite qualification and production implementation of Healthcare IT Interfaces and data migrations.
Project Management
We streamline different stakeholders with different interests and perspectives on the project, bringing a common understanding in the project, clarifying responsibilities and organizing activities in the project.
We know how to handle technical obstacles in order to get things done. Based on our field experience, we build realistic expectations and realistic project planning.
We steer the hospital implementation of new & existing interfaces in hospitals.
We help to define the required documents, configuration specifications and catalogue definitions.
On the qualification IT infrastructure of the healthcare organisations, we organise and implement production scenario simulations. We help to define the functional flow testing based on testing via pre-defined use cases.
In this domain we also assist in high volume testing and performance validation of hospital connectivity solutions.
Production Implementation
The actual implementation of healthcare integrations requires precision and preparation. In combination with the hospital personnel, HLCA designs the rollout scenarios during production implementation.
Monitoring interfaces after go-live requires data visibility and organized incident management as well as alerts for crucial parts in the medical workflows. We consult in this domain and create bespoke training and coaching for the day to day follow-up once we are gone.
Knowledge transfer through communication.
Using our knowledge, our expertise in the field and our coaching skills, we offer training programs to both healthcare institutions’ and software companies’ employees. Our training programs focus on practical aspects of system implementation, with hands-on exercises of potential situations in connecting medical software systems. The content of the training program is based on our expertise in the field and we expose the trainees to the best practices of system implementation in different contexts.
Using our knowledge, our expertise in the field and our coaching skills, we offer training programs to both healthcare institutions’ and software companies’ employees. Our training programs focus on practical aspects of system implementation, with hands-on exercises of potential situations in connecting medical software systems. The content of the training program is based on our expertise in the field and we expose the trainees to the best practices of system implementation in different contexts.

Basic HL7 and integration insight for developers
Hands-on training for support teams
software companies

Coaching best practices in implementation, qualification and production
hospitals and software companies